Wilmotte & Industries

Wilmotte & Industries is the design studio of Wilmotte & Associes S.A. which is Jean-Michel Wilmotte’s architectural firm. With 197 employees from 40 different origins, it now boasts an international and multicultural dimension, with partnerships in approximately twenty countries around the world.

Work is carried out in five key areas – architecture, interior architecture, museography, town planning and design – with an attention to detail allowing for interventions on the smallest to the largest scale. Whether for a villa or a high-rise building, a shop or company headquarters, an art gallery or a tramway, a museum or a new town, every project incorporates the highest of standards, with a permanent search for integration and respect for the environment. Set up in Paris in 1975, the firm has four offices in Paris, one in Sophia-Antipolis (south of France), one in London, one in Seoul.

Since 2005, the Fondation Wilmotte, aimed at promoting a contemporary graft via the W Award, helps and encourages young architects, enabling the firm to liaise with more than 4,500 future professionals.